I am writing this post on a typical windy wet autumnal day. How do you keep your golfing skills honed during winter when the course is not an option? Well, one of the practice areas that many amateur golfers ignore is the art of putting, and when you consider that puts probably make up one third of your score, isn’t it time to hone your skills. I have been using the WellPutt mat in my lessons for some years and thoroughly recommend it. How does work?
Defined mapping of space
In creating a defined mapping of space between the golfer and the hole (the lines on the mat) associated with a repetition of studied and determined movements (the exercises), the Welling putting mat offers the golfer a routine of exercises allowing him or her to sub-consciously acquire a key movement accompanied by perfectly adapted speed and strike control.
Practical visualisation
For the first time a training mat allows you to have a practical visualisation of the distances represented by the different zones on the mat. The brain memorises movement, strength and speed of stroke, in relation to each designated zone of space. The proposed exercises ( included in the pack) offer a perfect learning technique and a spatial memorisation which the golfer will sub-consciously use when in a real game of golf.
Facing the hole, the brain will simulate virtually the mat zone on the green.
Thus conveying the spatial benchmarks necessary to the appreciation of distance. The exercises and routine absorbed by the brain will enable it to manage a precise and properly memorised shot. Only the green speed will add a new putting parameter. Advance knowledge of this green speed will be necessary to complete the neurological understanding of the player (reconnaissance of the course, prior practice.)
The absence of visual benchmarks often seems to be a major obstacle in placing the putter. The brain has a natural tendency to try and find physical reference points (blade of grass, leaf, pebble) in order to create mental guidance markers to associate them with a distance. It must then apply an adapted muscular movement. This combination is often full of complexity and rarely managed first time round, the brain not having been able to analyse the parameters and create its mental mapping. This handicap is worsens when the body has neither memorized a simultaneous muscular action.
Without knowing it, mental cartography is leading your current life :
When you are driving, you don’t think about what your hands, eyes or legs are doing. The different movements are memorised in your muscles and brain. The concept of the Wellputt Mat is based on that natural combination.
It is thus indispensable to bring to the brain, and this, beforehand, the spatial reference points that it will memorise and then apply pre-defined club movements which it will put into your brain like a reference data bank. The totality of these reference points (both spatial and muscular) will allow it, when playing, to refer sub-consciously to known data that it may select and reproduce.
It is significant that, during a putting practice session, one often sees all the putted balls finish up at the same place as the first one. Indeed the first putt is an estimation made by the brain during which it has analysed all the guidance markers in coordination with the making of muscular movement. Our brain is an extraordinary computer capable of analyzing in a few thousandths of a second all the data to which it is confronted.
For those who want an indoor putting solution, I stock the WellPutt putting mats, which I use on the range for my putting lessons. They come in three sizes 3/4/8 metres and are priced at £125, £150 and £299 respectively.
Come along to the range and try one out or call me 07976 505577.